Check out my portfolio which includes personal projects and work on commercial projects,
including a variety of television shows produced for Swedish Television.
Within photography, I like to take photos that capture a detailed moment in time. I use my camera as a visual journal throughout my travels to capture the people, place and architecture that most strongly represent a location and the narratives that happen there.
Within production, my interest lays in producing, directing and cinematography.
I have strong interest for factual-based content exploring current affairs,
music and culture, which is seen throughout production I have taken part in, such as The Creative Edge - a show created and produced by Bournemouth University students.
Swedish television
I have worked as an assistant on three different Swedish television shows:
Allt För Sverige - An Emmy award-winning reality show
Ombytta Roller med Keyyo - A web exclusive comedy-humor show
Halvvägs till Himmelen - A drama comedy show